The Levels

George:  This was the general level progression.  Should be fairly easy to apply the story chapters to each of these levels and build a solid structure with plot points etc within each level.

Level Descriptions


TL1 -- Training level just out side of reservation

This level features an old barn that Tommy can enter and try out some of his climbing skils. In the barn, Tommy can find a rifle or a pistol. There should also be an old mirror in the barn. He can then head out to the old mesa behind the barn to try some target practice and hunting. The purpose of this level is to give the player a Tomb Raider like training experience, plus it will anchor the player in Arozona and begin to give a feel for Tommy Hawk as a character.

Chapter 1 - "The Summoning"

Chapter 2 - "The Journey"

Chapter 3 - "The Captive"

Chapter 4 - "The Abolition"

Chapter 5 - "The Gladiator"

Chapter 6 - "The Bloodwar"

Chapter 7 - "The Soulcenter"