Prey’s "golden nuggets"


This document is the repository of those ideas which we’ve developed over the last year or so that we want to get in Prey. This is a very elite, very selective list—probably 80-90% of the ideas we’ve come up with didn’t make it this far.

Rather than a standard design doc, this is meant to augment the Prey design docs with one specific focus—it outlines things that we want to do in Prey that will separate us from the crowd in this genre. Some of these ideas are risky—some take chances with player’s expectations and perceived familiarity with the genre. But it is precisely by taking chances (albeit carefully thought-out chances) that we will make Prey an exceptional game.

To review our goals for this game, here is an excerpt from our Prey mission statement:

Major design "golden nuggets"

These ideas are major departures from current design convention or current player expectation. These are the riskiest things we will attempt in Prey, but if they work, then will have made Prey truly a ground breaking game.


If you get too encumbered, you get slower—this allows players to have a single, smaller weapon, but be able to outrun their opponents

Single play


Major technology "golden nuggets"

These ideas will take considerable technological wizardry to pull off—we should evaluate them soon based upon their perceived technological complexity.


Single play


No-brainer "golden nuggets"

These ideas really don’t stretch the technology of the game, nor to they pose a design risk—rather, these are fresh ideas that we should implement, simply because they haven’t really been done before and will greatly enhance the total game experience.


Single play
