Unreal II: The Awakening
Return to RootDeveloper | Legend Entertainment |
Publisher | Infogrames |
Release Status | Released |
Release Date | 2003-02-04 |
Developer | Legend Entertainment |
Publisher | Infogrames |
Release Status | Released |
Release Date | 2003-02-04 |
Date â–¾ | Description | Platform | Size |
2000-02-24 | v400 Prototype + Source[1] | Microsoft Windows | 219.70MiB |
2000-03-31 | v400 Prototype + Source[1] | Microsoft Windows | 564.95MiB |
2000-09-12 | v411 Prototype + Source[1] | Microsoft Windows | 766.03MiB |
2001-05-16 | v697 Prototype | Microsoft Windows | 569.20MiB |
2003-07-01 | U2XMP + Source[1] | Microsoft Windows | 1.07GiB |
Name | Path | Type | Size |
M07-Hadal-Shian-Concept.zip (contents) (checksum) | Images/ | archive | 4.36MiB |
Name | Path | Type | Size |
references.txt (checksum) | references.txt | document | 0.05KiB |
Tension.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 673.96KiB |
Caution.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 1.49MiB |
hybrid.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 1.14MiB |
Tension2.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 856.19KiB |
Upward.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 1.16MiB |
Skaarj.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 1.53MiB |
unreal2.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 500.79KiB |
Rhythm.ogg (checksum) | Music/ | sound | 1.69MiB |